Riber Soft


Crystal XE is a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition software (SCADA) with real time sequence capability (recipe). This feature is necessary for Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE).
The user can customize his own Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), write his own scripts for automation in real time without rebuilding the application and during execution of the process.

Last Version

New version 3 is now available

If you are using the version 1 or 2, please contact us to receive a quote for upgrading your system.

A lot of new features, improvement and bug fixed

MY Crystal XE

Create an account for free to access to My CrystalXE and download the latest version of the software, the user manual and other resources.
From My CrystalXE, you can monitor all data of your system from anywhere.

Cutting edge FEATURES

  • Easy to use, Attractive, Graphical user interface
  • Short response time / real time
  • Increase capabilities with structured programming language
  • Access anywhere, anytime with the mobile application, SMS, Email, cloud
  • Supplied with a large library of drivers for the most used devices
  • Ready to communicate with a lot of protocols (modbus, ASCII, binaries, EibiSync) through TCP/IP, USB, RS232, RS422, RS485

Product of collaboration
with MBE scientists and OEM engineers and technicians

  • LAAS CNRS – France

    Research focus:

    Arsenide-based (GaInAs(N,Bi)/Ga(Al)As) quantum structures and devices, and low bandgap nanowires (GaSb, InAs, InSb on flat and patterned Si substrates) for photonics, nanoelectronics, photovoltaics, thermoelectrics and spintronics.


    MBE 412 III (Ga,Al,In)-V (As,N,Sb,Bi) cluster

    + Dr. Alexandre Arnoult (Ingénieur de Recherche)
    + Dr. Sébastien Plissard (Chargé de Recherche)
    + Dr. Chantal Fontaine (Directrice de Recherche)

  • CNRS-CRHEA – France

    Research focus:

    GaN and related AlGaInN alloys


    Compact 21 Gan

    + Dr. Y. Cordier
    + D. Lefebvre(ITE)

  • Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon – France

    Research focus:

    Co-integration functional oxides/semiconductors
    STO , BTO, PZT, BSTO, SRO on Si, SiGe, GAAs, InP substrates


    Compact 21 Oxide

    + Dr. Guillaume Saint Girons
    + Dr. Romain Bachelet
    + Mr. C. Botella (IR)

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